Sunday, 6 November 2011

turtles to be grateful for

All my efforts, thoughts and concepts about art boil down to one thing: DOING IT. 
It's that simple!
I'm not really concerned about what comes out.  I don't care about the finished picture.  I'm not saying I'll never be concered about that or won't change in the future.  I just know that right now, I'm at a stage where my focus is on developing a daily practice.  That's the goal. 
But the funny/weird thing is is that art is something you can't force.  You have to romance it, dance with it, give it a nice place to rest.  It's like befriending a feral cat.  You can't chase it!  You have to set out food for it and then hide.  Food in this metaphor means gratitude, love and acceptance. It's also a time thing.  The cat needs to get to know you, know your scent.  It may take a while before it lets you take it to a pet show.  
So I try to be grateful for what happens during my art forays.  The other day, I was watercolouring and this humorous creature smiled back at me.  After him, I did these others, one filled with turtles.  "Big deal" my inner critic might say.  But another part of me was chuffed, knowing that it respresented a significant change.  Instead of the random squiggles and shapes that usually occur when I have a paint-brush in my hand, some real forms emerged.  Were the turtles a symbol to mean "slow and steady?"  Who knows.   


  1. I like your metaphor about art being like befriending a feral cat. It is so true. I like you little herd of turtles!

  2. Hey sweetie! Many thanks! "herd of turtles" - love it!!! x

  3. Stuff the inner critic!! Hardest thing to do, at times, but still, stuff him! The only way to get around him is just to DO and persevere (inundate him with so much art he doesn't have a clue where to begin, that's what I do, anyway!), and you're doing that! I love your turtles too, and especially how they made you feel! :)
