The other morning I woke up with an urge to draw a tiger in bright blue ink. It had to be a tiger and it had to be in blue.
So I printed out some tiger images from the internet and start drawing. The first attempt was rather cartoony – it lacked soul, depth and character. So I asked myself, “What do I really want to concentrate on here?” The answer came in a flash: the stripes!
I gradually shifted the emphasis from trying to draw a tiger to just experiencing the stripes: the wildness of them, their random playfulness, the way they weave in and out of one another in strange and curious patterns. I tried to forget about the body altogether. It was heaven.
Eventually, my hand started to fill in the rest of the tiger and suddenly, a wonderful face appeared in the middle of some scribbles. It was a tiger that had Life in it; much more authentic than the cartoony versions I had produced at first.
this is great Sue - you should post this on Illustration Fridays website - the word for the week is - you guessed it "stripes!"